10 Great YouTubers for Teenagers Who Want to Upgrade Their Life

Tiago Amoroso
5 min readJun 21, 2022
Photo by Some Tale on Unsplash

YouTube is a great place to learn the basics of any given skill as it is free and allows you to explore your multitude of interests. It is a comfortable way to test the waters of certain hobbies or ways of life with no commitment.

I read books but the much more accessible starting point was short form videos on YouTube that only required 10–15 minutes of my time.

Constantly surrounding myself with these digital personalities caused their beliefs and mantras to rub off on me and led me to become more like them. This is why choosing who you listen to online is very important as you can just as easily surround yourself with negative influences.

“You are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with” — Jim Rohn

While this is extremely applicable to real life, nowadays I feel it also applies to the digital world and understanding this has helped me curate my online influences.

This is why I have created this article.

My teenage years have just ended with me turning 20 and I would like to thank these people who do not know me but have had an immense impact on me and brought a lot of positivity into my life.

I believe that they can have a positive impact on you as well.

Top 10 YouTubers for Teenagers Who Want to Upgrade Their Life

Captain Sinbad

Constant improvement, entertainment, cinematography

Nikhil is an amazingly entertaining YouTuber whilst also maintaining his ability to teach and provide value.

His videos are beautiful and are full of his progressive mindset.

His positivity and mindset fills his videos, whatever the topic. This is the kind of positivity you want in your life and it WILL rub off on you.

The *Watches Once* series is hilarious and will be sure to leave you laughing at his mimicked versions of your favourite internet people.


Specialties: Young lifestyle, gym, diet, comradery, university life

Hamza is a bit of a new kid on the block but is quickly becoming one of my most watched YouTubers.

He is young and relatable which I think helps him in fostering a strong feeling of comradery in his audience.

His devotion to inspiring the younger generation shines through and his youth allows him to give recent and relevant advice on their struggles.

More Plates More Dates

Specialties: Nutrition, diet, steroid education, attainable body standards

Derek comes across as an extremely knowledgeable individual.

His videos are more long-form than the average YouTube video, regularly coming in between 15–30 minutes.

There is a vast array of videos on his channel but I have found my favourites to be those on nutrition and his Natty or Not playlist.

I also enjoy the fact that he discusses steroid use in an open and honest manner. This has allowed me to get a more well-rounded understanding of the topic as opposed to the wholly negative view we usually see in the media.


Specialties: Masculinity, body language, confidence, mindset

I actually discovered this channel thanks to Hamza.

1stMAN is the place to go if you’re trying to build confidence and masculinity. These traits are felt throughout every video and experiencing them here adds a little bit of them into your mentality.

I have love his Male Advantage Journeys as well as his deep dives into body language.

Watching 1stMAN will build a mindset of drive and ambition within you.


Specialties: Dropshipping, side hustles, investment, funny

I stumbled onto Biaheza when I was dropshipping. On that topic, he has a lot of great free advice as well as a paid course, however I have never tried that.

As well as this, Biaheza regularly discusses and tries out a number of side hustles. He explains these to his viewers and gives advice on how they can get started as a beginner.

His videos are always high-quality, very entertaining, as well as being extremely well edited.

Joe Fazer

Specialties: Genuine, fitness, diet, skinny to wham journey

Joe Fazer is a young fitness YouTuber who specialises in getting guys from skinny to big.

He discusses nutrition, especially when it comes to bulking. My favourite video is his High Calory Snacks for Bulking as I actually used the information to alter my diet.

His personality comes across in such a way that you just have to like him. He seems very genuine with a real desire to help.

He also has a lot of challenges and videos where he speaks to the public, so if that floats your boat, check out Joe Fazer.

Joe Rogan

Specialties: Varied learning, introduces you to new and interesting people

Joe Rogan is obscenely popular and that is for good reason.

Joe has a massive array of long-form podcasts to choose from on his channel which feature an equally large array of guests.

Joe has a background in MMA and is a UFC commentator which is why his passion for fighting shines through in some of his discussions.

These guests are often extremely knowledgeable and always very interesting. Have a scroll through the channel and choose a topic that you’re interested in and have a 2 hour deep dive into the topic.

If the full podcast seems a little too long for you, there are also load and loads and loads of highlights for you to choose from where specific topics are being spoken about.

This channel is so vast that you could spend forever in there. If you haven’t already, I really recommend giving it a go.

Nate O’Brien

Specialties: Financial management, minimalistic living, investing

Nate is rather different from the other YouTubers on this list as he focusses a lot more on personal finance.

Nate has lots of videos on credit, budgeting and creating financial plans which are very helpful for anyone to think about, regardless of their current financial situation.

Nate also discusses lifestyle where he talks about minimalism and travel. His minimalistic lifestyle fits with his goals and helps him live the life that he wants. Maybe if you like it, you could give it a try?

Davie Fogharty

Specialties: Ecommerce, marketing, building brands

Davie Fogharty is the founder of a number of 7 figure businesses, with his most successful being the Oodie.

In my eyes, this validates him as a pretty good source of business acumen.

Davie creates videos on building brands and marketing. I have the most experience with his ecommerce videos where he discusses and teaches creating online stores using Shopify.

There are also some good videos on advertising using both google and Facebook.

Ali Abdaal

Specialties: Productivity, studying, books, personal finance

Ali Abdaal is a very big YouTuber with 3,000,000 subscribers. He is a Cambridge medicine graduate which validates his high performance in the academic aspect of his life.

My favourite videos of his are those on books and his productivity tips.

Ali has 9 Income Streams (as of the video being released) and also has an array of videos about side hustles, passive income, and starting businesses.

How I Made $4,790,000 in 2021 is a great video that breaks down each of Ali’s income streams. I enjoy these kinds of videos as they can spark ideas and possibly inspire you to try one out for yourself.

The End

I hope you have found a new YouTuber that you haven’t watched before that will help you Upgrade Your Life.

Have a good one,




Tiago Amoroso

I am 21 and write on self-improvement and on my mission of earning the life I desire. I hope that my writing can help you on your journey as well :)